Thursday, December 12, 2013

free write

Lately I have thought about the scientific laws of the solar system. It is hard to put my mind around the fact that the Earth is just a small dot when viewed in space. Does space go on for infinity? It must. Because it can't just come to a dead end, but if space never comes to an end where does it go? There must be life on other places in the solar universe. The Earth cannot be the only place of life, it just doesn't seem possible. Soon we will be exchanging information with aliens possibly. I believe that the next form of technology will be the ability to travel outside of our universe. What if our Earth becomes inhabitable in the near future, for instance a natural disaster occurs. Where will everyone go, what if life becomes dead on the Earth and the universe continues untouched. It really puts life into perspective, and makes all of our little problems seem pretty small. Though I don't believe fretting about the future is always a good thing. Maybe people shouldn't even plan to move to another planet, because maybe that's not natural. Possibly the only place our form of human that can inhabit is Earth. Whatever happens, happens, and it is what it is. I guess we must just live in the moment and not move to Mars for now. All of this seems pretty crazy and its honestly driving me crazy thinking about it.

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